

Cycling has been quite popular these days. I used to ride a bike to school when I was in high school. However, growing up, there are different ways of transportation and I haven’t been riding a bike as often as I did in high school.

But, sometimes, I ride a bike while traveling. Several years ago, I went to France before school began. I stayed in a good friend’s apartment in Paris. After arriving at my friend’s place and getting some food, my friend asked me whether I would like to go out. I was a bit tired, but I still decided to go.

After walking a bit, my friend asked me whether I would like to get some coffee. He told me that he knew a good place. The place is not that close and he told me that we could ride a bike there. I never rode a bike while traveling before. However, I thought it could be fun.

My friend helped me choose a bike to rent and after a few minutes, we each found a bike that looked in good condition. So, we began to ride. It was a sunny day in a summer afternoon. Riding a bike in Paris was actually a pretty choice.

After riding for a few minutes, we stopped by somewhere near the Seine River. My friend shared some stories of that neighborhood. Additionally, he thought I might be too tired, so he decided to stop. Thus, I could take a break and enjoy watching the city.

After taking a break, we rode a new bike and headed to the coffee place. Riding a bike in Paris was actually quite fun and I can see the city in a different way. Moreover, cycling is a great sport. Traveling and exercising at the same time, it is indeed a great combination.

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