
Portable charger


When I was traveling in Europe for the first time, I had a Sony Ericsson mobile phone with me. During the trip, I only need to charge my phone in the hostel and during the day, I don’t need to worry whether my phone will run out of battery. Additionally, I always have an extra battery with me, just in case.

However, after using an iPhone, things have changed dramatically. I have to check every night to make sure that my iPhone is charged, otherwise, I might have to spend extra time charging my phone in the morning. Sometimes, my phone ran out of battery and I couldn’t do anything when I was outside. Nonetheless, one day, a friend gave me a present. It was a portable charger. I can use it when my phone is running out of battery. Well, that charger couldn’t charge my phone battery to full capacity, but sometimes, 10% is enough. One day, I was going out with some friends in Paris. It was probably 9pm or 10pm, a friend’s phone was running out of battery and she didn’t know what to do. However, I showed her the portable charger and asked her to use it. At the beginning, she didn’t know what it was. But, when she saw her phone charging, she knew it worked. After being charged for a few minutes, her phone was with enough capacity for her to use before arriving home. Nowadays, portable chargers are widely available and you can charge your phone battery to full capacity easily. But, we also saw that portable chargers sometimes cause some problems on a flight. Thus, it’s very important to read the instructions carefully and understand the requirements of each airline. In addition, it’s important to choose certified portable chargers. We all know that safety is the top priority.

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