
Phone calls?

While traveling, many people might choose a roaming service to use their mobile phone or data service abroad. In particular, some people don’t want to miss an important call or an email from work or from their families.

When I took a trip to Japan for the first time, I did turn on my phone with roaming service. However, I didn’t choose data roaming. Thus, I can still receive text messages and phone calls.

Well, it turned out to be a good idea because my friend could still text me. Back then, I was a bit lost in Shinjuku station and got a text message from my friend. They told me the exit that they were waiting for me. I was running and thankfully, my friends were there and I wasn’t too late.

Nevertheless, things are not always the same.

Many years ago, when I was on a train in Europe, my phone began to ring. I picked up the phone and someone was asking me a question. Well, it was someone who was responsible for collaborating with the unit I used to work at. I told him that I had already left the job for a while and he quickly said sorry and hung up the phone. I was just laughing because that unit had been just like that and couldn’t communicate correctly. I was glad that I left the job and enjoyed the vacation.

Later on, I usually don’t turn on the roaming service because I want to avoid accidently using data service and paying a lot of money. Sometimes, I might choose to buy a sim card from a local telecom service provider.

Moreover, wifi service is widely available in most countries and it’s not that difficult to stay “online.” Nonetheless, the security might be some people’s concerns. It truly depends on what you think.

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