

Well, people might have certain stereotypes of some people from some countries. For example, in some countries, people are really rude and don’t treat tourists politely. Previously, some rumors indicated that French people don’t like tourists and you shouldn’t expect too much when traveling in France. However, several things were the opposite while I was traveling there. Around 8 years ago, I was in Lyon, visiting some friends. One day, I had to go to Annecy to meet another friend. I woke up in the early morning to take a train. I took a tram to the train station and then, I was searching for a ticket to Annecy. I was a bit lost and tried to see whether someone could help me. Then a man came by and asked me whether he could help. I’m not sure whether he’s a staff or a volunteer. I was so glad that he came to help me. I told him that I was going to Annecy and had to buy a ticket. He quickly guided me to buy a ticket. Moreover, I was trying to run as soon as possible because it seemed that the train would depart soon. The man walked with me and pointed me where to go. I walked quickly. And, the man followed and kept pointing in the direction. We kept walking and then we left the train station. He pointed to a bus. He said, it’s actually a bus. I quickly said “Merci.” I tried my best to find a word from my very limited knowledge of French. I got on the bus. “Whooo”, I was just on time. The bus departed soon after I was sitting in the bus. On the bus, I kept thinking that the man truly helped me a lot. Without his help, I would definitely miss the bus and be late to meet with my friend.

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