

Around 3 months ago, I went to dinner with some former colleagues. At the dinner, a former supervisor gave each of us chocolate. She told us that she just visited a chocolate factory and the factory manufactures award-winning chocolates.

This supervisor announced retirement a long time ago. Before the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemics, I frequently saw her share photos on social media. She has traveled to so many countries and those journeys look just fantastic. For example, one day, she just uploaded some photos of when she arrived in Antarctica. Those photos were just amazing and I was just thinking that it could be ideal to put Antarctica on my wish list.  Moreover, she also went to Tibet before and I still remember that she gave me a souvenir from Tibet. Tibet is always on my wish list because I used to meet a friend from Tibet when I was in college. After graduating from college, I never met that friend again. However, I do remember some photos he shared with me. He showed me the beauty of Tibet and I certainly know Tibet is a beautiful place to visit. Furthermore, some friends already went to Tibet and they told me it’s worthwhile to visit. That supervisor’s journey after retirement is just amazing and I believe she will keep visiting more cool places. However, for me, retirement just seems too far away for me. And, I guess, if I still enjoy my work, I probably won’t retire early. Nonetheless, how to arrange a trip and manage life are always good lessons. Every time I see this supervisor, she’s just so energetic and she’s passionate about sharing so many cool things. I believe that this is something I should learn from her. Additionally, maybe someday, I can ask her for some advice before going to Antarctica.

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