


Around 8 years ago, I was at a startup job fair and talked to a founder of a startup. His business is like Airbnb, however, his customers are not renting an apartment. Instead, consumers can use the platform to rent a boat.

Back then, I was quite curious whether this business could work and I wasn’t quite sure whether there are many consumers who would like to use the service. Well, the website doesn’t seem to be available today.

But, traveling by boat or by cruise is common. In particular, people can easily find a cruise deal online. One of my friends used to work for a travel agency and his main job was to sell international cruise trips. Before the covid-19 pandemic, he didn’t have to worry too much about his sales objectives. He could reach his goal easily. Nonetheless, after the covid-19 pandemic, he has to change his job because it’s impossible for him to sell any international cruise trips.

A few weeks ago, I saw a national cruise trip advertisement. A travel agency provides a 3-day cruise trip and consumers can travel by cruise to visit several cities. Previously, I didn’t even think this itinerary would be possible. However, due to the pandemic, it’s not easy to travel abroad. Hence, some travel agencies basically can’t operate its international businesses or sell any international itineraries. However, many travel agencies try really hard to explore different business opportunities and generate revenues from different packages. I have seen several different packages recently and some of these packages look pretty good.

Moreover, I just talked to some friends who frequently travel abroad before. They all indicated that once there are less travel restrictions, they would definitely travel abroad as soon as they can. In particular, they already have some ideas on where to go. Additionally, that friend who used to sell international cruise trips is still waiting for an opportunity to sell one of his favorite products again.

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