

A couple of weeks ago, I was just reading some articles on a website and saw an advertisement, which is about real estate in Spain.

I was a bit curious and clicked the ad, trying to see whether there is something interesting. It turned out that the website is mainly about renting an apartment in Spain and they provide services in key cities such as Madrid and Mallorca. However, they don’t have any services in Barcelona. For me, that’s quite interesting since Barcelona is a key city that attracts millions of tourists each year and many tourists choose to rent an apartment in Barcelona while traveling.

Some of my friends went to Barcelona and they used to rent an apartment there. They might have different preferences, for example, some chose to live near La Sagrada Familia and some decided to stay near La Rambla. However, renting an apartment is quite common for tourists to travel in Barcelona, in particular, renting an apartment is an ideal choice if you travel with some friends.

I remember that I used to rent an apartment while traveling with some friends in Northern Spain. I really like that apartment and it was chosen by a friend, who is from Japan. He went through several websites and decided to choose an apartment that he found on booking.com. Back then, I only knew that we can book an apartment on Airbnb and didn’t know that some great apartments are available on booking.com as well.

After that trip, I usually check several websites to see if there is a great deal on accommodation. Normally, you can find a good deal if you do enough searches. Particularly, if you are going to a top tourist city, you might really spend some time doing some searches because there are normally a lot of choices, but you have to choose one that truly fits your budget and expectation.

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