

For me, there are several benefits from traveling. In particular, I can be away from work and erase some pressure. Moreover, there’s one more important benefit.

Normally, I walk a lot while traveling. Walking can help me burn calories and for me, that’s an important way to control weight.

As I found on a website, walking 10,000 steps a day will burn about 300 Kcal. Sometimes, I don’t even walk more than 7,000 steps a day. However, when traveling, I usually walk more than 15,000 steps a day. Sometimes, I walk even more in a day because I try to see more that day. That definitely helps me burn some calories.

Nonetheless, I don’t really care too much about food while traveling. And, I usually buy chips or some snacks in a supermarket. That’s really not ideal to burn calories. Those junk foods that look very tasty are normally high in calories.

Health is very important in our life and after the outbreak of covid-19, more and more people are aware that health is something that money can’t buy.

Weight control is a way to help us stay healthy. When traveling, I like to walk a lot to see and feel the city. Moreover, I tend to walk more while traveling. For example, I sometimes get off early and walk two or three more blocks.

Previously, I didn’t really pay attention to how many steps I walked in a day during a trip. Now, there are more functions in a mobile phone or in a watch. You can see how many steps you walk in a day easily. Furthermore, I saw some shoes that are attached with a pedometer. It could also help us calculate the number of steps.

Well, I don’t calculate calorie intake. However, I do see how many steps I walk in a day and try to burn more calories.

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