
Sleep well on a bus?

Sometimes, taking a bus to cross the country border is a choice while traveling. However, it’s not that easy to sleep well on a bus.

I used to take a night bus from Vilnius, Lithuania to Warsaw, Poland. I did sleep a bit on the bus, but didn’t sleep very well. The bus arrived at the Warsaw station in the early morning. I booked a hostel nearby the station, so I decided to head to the hostel first.

I rang the bell, but no one replied. Well, the hostel didn’t have 24-hour service and it’s not ideal to arrive early. I had no ideas but just walked around the area. 20 or 30 minutes later, I came back and rang the bell again. Someone was answering and I told him that I would like to check in. He answered no. But, I said I would like to enter first. Well, the door was opened.

I entered the hostel, which is on the third floor or the fourth floor. I couldn’t check in, but I saw a sofa. Then, I fell asleep on the sofa.

I did sleep for like 30 minutes. When I woke up, a girl was in front of me on another sofa. She said “Good morning.” “Good morning.” I answered, but I still felt a bit fatigued. We quickly chatted a bit and her friend came by.

They gave me some suggestions and identified where those places were located on the map. I used a pen to circle those places on the map.

Nonetheless, after they left, I just couldn’t find the map. I was in the hostel lobby and didn’t go anywhere. The map just disappeared.

Then, a staff member told me that I could check in. I just followed the process and left my luggage in the room. I asked for a new map and tried to recall those places that those girls suggested. But, I couldn't recall anything. I didn’t sleep well and I guess that I was probably just too tired. 

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