
Debit card

It was around 5 or 6 years ago, I found some weird transactions from my bank account. Back in the day, I just finished lunch with a friend and there were some notifications from a bank application on my phone. When I saw those notifications, I just couldn’t quite understand why there were transactions. I found those transactions were just quite weird. I sent an email to a representative of the bank and indicated that there were some weird transactions. The representative replied to me that the debit card was no longer available and I would get the refund. However, I was just thinking about why those transactions would happen. I thought for a while and came up with some possible reasons. I went to Paris and stayed in a hotel. Before checking in, the hotel staff asked me to pay first. I showed him my debit card, but he asked me to pay in cash. I didn’t have any Euros with me and another guy in the hotel pointed out that there was an ATM nearby. I didn’t think too much. I went to the ATM and withdrew some money to pay. I only stayed in Paris for a couple of days and there weren’t any weird transactions during those days. However, just a couple of days after leaving Paris, those weird transactions happened. Then, I saw a video on the news. Some hackers use ATMs to gather password information. Moreover, I did use the hotel Wi-Fi to purchase something online. Perhaps, the hotel Wi-Fi wasn’t secure enough. I don’t precisely know which is the correct way that those hackers got my debit card information. Fortunately, I didn’t lose too much. However, those weird transactions just gave me a big lesson. I never thought that my debit card would be hacked, but it did happen. After this lesson, I pay more attention to using banking services and always carefully check those transaction records.

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