

Riga is a good city to visit. Even though I only stayed there for just a few days, I had a great time there. However, I met a stupid in a trip to Riga.

I went to Riga, Latvia in the summer a few years ago. On the final day of that trip, I would have to take a bus from the Riga station to the next destination in the evening. In the morning, I didn’t plan too much, but just walked around the city.

When I stopped by a shopping center near the hostel where I stayed, I saw there was a truck. Moreover, there were actually many people. I was quite curious about what was happening there. Hence, I went to see what’s going on.

It was actually a Coke Cola consumer event, where people can make a personalized coke with his or her name and a song. I didn’t participate in any Coke Cola events before and I had plenty of time before going to the bus station, so I was waiting in the queue as other people did.

It didn’t take too much time. I didn’t know anything about Latvian, but it did not seem to be that complicated to make a personalized coke. I was trying to make my own coke. I had my bag with me and when I was choosing the song, I could feel that something was moving. Then, I just turned around. A man who looked quite weird was there and I also saw other people waiting. I tended not to think too much, but kept making the coke. Nonetheless, I still felt something was moving and I turned back again. That weird man began to yell. Well, I had zero knowledge of Latvian. I didn’t know what he wanted to say. I just quickly made the coke and left.

When I tried to put the coke in my bag, the zipper was partially opened. That stupid was trying to open my bag and steal something. Unfortunately, that bag is quite deep and he can probably find only tissues inside.

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