
Oh, baseball

Well, it was a long time ago. I went to a friend’s graduation presentation and she gave me a pin as a gift. I really like that pin and I came up with an idea.

Before my first trip to Europe, I decided to create some pins to give to people that I met during a trip.

The first destination of that trip was Amsterdam. I arrived at the hostel in the morning. After checking in and putting my luggage in the locker, I walked around and said hello to the roommates. When I introduced myself, I gave each of them a pin. They came out, “ oh, baseball!”

Yes, I prepared pins with a photo of someone playing baseball.

They told me that they were from Germany, baseball wasn’t popular, but they knew it and used to play baseball. I told them that baseball is quite popular in some countries in Asia.

Well, baseball might not be the best topic to start a conversation. However, sports are definitely interesting to talk about. While traveling, I met so many friends who have experience in watching football matches and they more or less support a certain team or a certain player. Of course, some people don’t like sports, but they are still willing to talk a bit about sports.


After so many years, I don’t really remember how many pins I gave during that trip. And, I won’t even know whether those people I met still keep the pin I gave them. However, I do remember that we had some conversations about traveling and sports. But, that pin did help me a lot because I can start a conversation easily and they didn’t receive any pins while traveling before. It’s been truly a while since that trip. Nonetheless, those good memories are still so vivid.

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