
My passport number

Two months ago, my friend and I were trying to log into a system to check something and it required us to enter the passport number. However, I just couldn’t recall my passport number. My friend couldn’t, either. We were just laughing because it seemed that we hadn't traveled for a while. Well, I just couldn’t recall my passport number. It wasn’t a huge problem and I can check my passport number when I have my passport. If my passport is lost, that will be a serious problem. During a trip in Europe, I took a train from Italy to France. When the train arrived in Paris, I saw my friend and said hello to her. Then, someone came by and said something. Well, that guy is a police officer. My friend showed her ID and told me that he needed to check ID. I showed him my passport, then we left. However, one time, a friend was quite nervous to ask whether someone saw her passport. We were at a school in the United States. It was Friday and the school provided food and drinks. You can even order beers, nonetheless, you have to show your ID to prove that you are eligible to drink. That day, we were quite excited because after a long week, we could finally take a break and get some food. A friend from France was ready to get some beers. Nevertheless, she just couldn’t find her passport. She was nervous and tried to find where her passport was. She anxiously searched and asked if someone saw her passport. Additionally, she was asking whether someone hid her passport. She kept searching and then, she checked some of our friends’ pockets. Then, she even checked my pocket. I was like, what are you doing? Eventually, she found her passport in a friend’s pocket. She didn’t lose her passport, but she lost her temper.

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