

There are so many languages in the world and it’s impossible to be able to speak all of them. While traveling, you might sometimes need to communicate by gestures or body language.

However, another language might be helpful. While traveling, I usually have my laptop with me. Well, it helps me read emails and in case, I need to work on something emergent.

On my first trip in Europe, I had a big fat laptop with me. Yes, I looked like a stupid because that laptop looked really big.

In Italy, I was trying to upload some photos and send them to my friends. However, that laptop just didn’t function well and it ran a little bit slow. I was quite nervous because it’s not that cheap to use the wifi access and I didn’t want to spend too much money on using wifi.

When I was using the laptop, a friend from Brazil passed by and asked what I was doing. I told him that my laptop didn’t function well. He’s an engineer and he quickly checked my laptop. Then, he was saying something and did something, which I didn’t understand. However, my laptop began to function well and I can then quickly get my job done.

I used to learn programming languages, however, I wasn’t smart enough, so I couldn’t be a programmer or an engineer. But, I began to learn some other programming languages recently and just tried to understand a little bit more.

Programming language is surely an important global language and will keep playing an important role in the future. I’m still learning, but I just couldn’t forget that an engineer from Brazil quickly solved my problem in just a few minutes. Moreover, I saw some friends who are good at programming, they can work remotely and they have been to many countries. 

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