

When I travel, I sometimes visit friends and stay at their places. Moreover, I have lunch or dinner with their family and there is always a lot of fun on the dining table. But, I used to make mistakes.

It was my first trip to Europe. I met a great friend in France and had brunch with her family. Her family was so great and I received great presents from them. Back then, I felt that I was so impolite because I didn’t prepare anything. That was something I always remember because I understand that as a guest, it is better to prepare to do some homework and at least, I have to prepare something before visiting.

While traveling, it’s better to travel light and it’s not ideal to pack a lot of stuff in the luggage. However, if I have to visit some friends, I will always at least prepare some presents. Those presents might not be very expensive, but I can at least show my appreciation.


After that trip, preparing some presents before traveling is necessary for me. In some situations such as going to a friend’s wedding, I will ask some friends to see whether it’s necessary to prepare presents and understand whether there are some taboos to avoid.

Well, some of those presents I prepared might not perfectly fit my friends’ expectations every time. However, it’s very important for me to show that I truly appreciate that they can host me or have me as their friend. Sometimes, they really like the presents and I am extremely happy as well. In addition, when they open the presents, it’s always a good time to start a conversation. I can let them know why I decide to prepare the presents for them. Moreover, if they are truly interested, we can talk about the story of the product, the design and so on.

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