
National holidays in a different country

A few weeks ago, I was in a zoom meeting and the team members are based in several countries. Nowadays, it’s quite common to see a team that consists of team members from different countries. At the end of the meeting, a team member indicated that he wouldn’t be available next Monday because it was a national holiday there. Well, that’s something we have to notice when we work with team members based in different countries. A couple of years ago, I was working for a project and had to be with some clients to visit some retail channels. The clients are from Europe. When they arrived in Asia, there would be some national holidays locally. At first, they were afraid that they couldn’t fully understand the market. However, I told them that most retail channels would still be open and we should be able to see most of them. When I met them, they were really nice and gave me a good present because I had to work on a holiday. I didn’t anticipate that, but it was pretty fun. I was with them in several retail channels and indicated that some products were only available for holidays. Additionally, I explained the traditions of local markets and they also asked several questions about local players. Overall, it was a successful business trip for them and they could identify potential opportunities in Asia and understand the local market a little bit more. Sometimes, it’s not a bad idea to travel and see what happens on local national holidays. However, it might not be ideal to travel in some countries during Christmas holidays. A few years ago, a friend went to Spain during the Christmas holidays and several stores were closed. She would like to go to a local restaurant, which is highly ranked on a famous website, nonetheless, she couldn’t make it because the restaurant was closed those days.

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