

Tasting local food or snacks is one of the wonderful things to do while traveling. For me, I always try to go to a local supermarket or store to find some snacks or beverages. In particular, chips are my favorites. There are several reasons why I like chips, even though eating too many chips could harm my health. Firstly, you can basically find chips almost everywhere. In each country, you can find chips of some international bestselling brands or you can also find some chips from local chip manufacturers. It’s easily accessible. In addition, the price of potato chips is usually affordable for me. Well, let’s forget some premium brands. Mostly, you can find potato chips at a reasonable price, so buying some chips during a trip will not cause any problems for me. Thirdly, there are many flavors of chips around the world. While traveling, I always try to find some chips that are only available locally or I have never tried before. For me, trying different flavors of chips is joyful and I always expect to see something unusual. For example, I like olive potato chips in France and jamon chips in Spain. There are also many great chips that are worth trying around the world. I definitely would like to try more. Several years ago, I was on a cruise trip with a friend. We expect to stay on the cruise for several hours. Hence, I prepared some drinks and chips. A big bag of chips. On the cruise, I put those chips on the table and an old couple was sitting in front of me. They said they were already 70. Additionally, the woman saw us eat chips and indicated that, at her age, it was not wise for her to eat so many chips. But, she said that we were ok to eat that many chips since we were younger.

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