

It was a long time ago, I went to a bookstore. There was a presentation of a new book. The book was about architecture in Europe.

On the date of the event, I didn’t have any experience in traveling in Europe. I had little knowledge of architecture in Europe. I was amazed by those crazy ideas from architects. Additionally, they made those crazy ideas into reality. After the presentation, I stayed and talked to the writer. He’s an architect and we mentioned some differences in architecture between Asia and Europe. Moreover, he signed the book for me and indicated that he was happy to share his experience in Europe with me. It was an interesting presentation for me because I really learned a lot about architecture and understood that architecture could make a huge impact on the region. Back then, I was just wondering, maybe I could travel like that architect someday. Very luckily, I got some opportunities to travel in Europe. I saw some buildings that truly amazed me. In addition, I saw some buildings that were mentioned in the book. When I saw those architectures, I remember the book and that presentation. I learned several different ways to see architecture and know its background. Furthermore, I have gained some knowledge of the styles of different architects. I’m definitely not an expert, however, I did have some knowledge.
A few days ago, I was reading the book again. Looking at those photos of those amazing architectures in Europe, I finally saw some of them. Traveling makes me explore the world, meet new friends and learn a little bit about architecture. For me, there are several new buildings around the world to explore and to learn. Moreover, Sagrada Familia is still under construction. I would love to see it when it’s fully completed.

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