

On the last day of a trip, we left a hotel and headed back home. I usually check very carefully before leaving because I don’t want to have anything left. But, sometimes something just happened. I was working for an exhibition and we had to go on a business trip to make sure that everything went smoothly in a new venue. Our crew all stayed at the same hotel and I spent an extra day to see whether the staff needed anything or encountered any problems. The staff did a good job and the exhibition was all set. However, someone called me when I was at the venue. It was someone from our team and he told me that his charge cable seemed to be left at the hotel. I called the hotel and provided the necessary information to the hotel staff to see whether they could find the charge cable. After 30 minutes, I got a call from the hotel staff. Yes, they found the charge cable and I replied that I would go to the hotel to get it later. I took a taxi and headed to the hotel. When I arrived at the hotel, I told the hotel staff about the charge cable and quickly got it.

It was good to help a colleague get what he left at the hotel. However, I told him that he shouldn’t make the same mistake again. Charge cable is not something expensive and we can easily find a new one in a store. But, it’s important to check carefully before leaving a hotel or an apartment. In Particular, you have to make sure your ID and personal documents are with you. Once you leave some key personal documents during a trip, it might create a lot of trouble. Leaving the hotel without something left is extremely important.

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