
Emergency plan

In our life, something unexpected might happen. We can’t predict what will happen. But, we can be well prepared. On a trip, we might need an emergency plan, just in case. Many things could happen during a trip. Snowstorms could force you to change plans because the flight might not be allowed to take off. Also, in some countries, typhoons or earthquakes might cause some problems. For example, a friend traveled to Japan and there was an earthquake. She had nothing to do, but just made the trip short and came back early. Moreover, some other issues such as injuries could happen and you have to think ahead before a trip. For instance, a friend went skiing in Korea. However, he hurt his elbow while skiing. It wasn’t a serious injury. But, he had to return early and change his itinerary. Because he can’t speak Korean, he decided to go to see a doctor in his home country. Thankfully, he followed the doctor’s advice and went to the hospital several times for rehab. After a few months, his elbow was fully recovered. Traveling is fun and interesting. We can explore the world and meet new friends. However, something unexpected could happen. We have to learn how to stay calm when some things unfortunately happen and identify the next steps. An emergency plan is required just in case we need it. When things happen, you know what to do next and won’t be in a panic. We all want a trip to go safe and fun. But, we sometimes hear sad news. A friend’s colleague was seriously injured on a trip and they had to call an international SOS flight. It’s surely one of very sad news I hear, but it’s an important lesson for me to understand that we can’t ignore danger and we can’t be overconfident that things won’t happen.

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