

Traveling is fun and interesting. However, while traveling, it’s not as normal as staying at home. Sometimes, there’s something that we need to adapt to. For me, one key difference is how to store food. Normally, there’s a refrigerator in each one’s house and some might have more fridges at home. However, there might not be a fridge in your room in a hostel or a hotel. Thus, how to store food is something we have to figure out. When I was traveling in France many years ago, I chose to stay in a hostel. There wasn’t a fridge in the room. Nonetheless, you can store your food in the hostel’s fridge. One morning, I bought some drinks from a store and decided to put them in the fridge, so I can drink them when I’m back. I asked a staff member in the hostel and he gave me a post-it sticky note. He told me to write my name and stick the “post-it” on the drinks. Hence, other people know that those drinks are mine. However, things didn’t go smoothly. It was on Wednesday and it’s the day to clean the fridge. A clean lady was yelling when I was trying to put my drinks in the fridge. She was speaking French and I didn’t know what she was talking about. I just wanted to put those drinks in the fridge and she kept yelling. The hostel staff said, fine, just left them here.  Well, I still tasted those drinks when I came back to the hostel. After that trip, I usually get some food or drinks that could be stored under normal conditions. If I stay at a friend’s place or a hotel room with a fridge, I will get something like milk or cool drinks. We don’t want our stomachs to have some problems while traveling. Thus, choosing what to eat carefully and storing food well could avoid the problems.

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