
Some weird collections

Traveling is fun. While traveling, I like to collect playing cards from different countries. However, sometimes, I did collect something that might be unnecessary or weird.

It was my first trip to Europe. I was super excited to travel alone and explore the world. For me, there were so many new things. During the trip, I got so many guides from the museums, shopping centers and lots of printed materials. I was trying to collect as many memories as possible. However, looking back, I realized that actually, so many things are unnecessary. Nonetheless, sometimes, I made a good decision to collect something from a bar. I went to Boston for a conference several years ago, before going to the conference. I talked to a professor and he indicated that a bar near Harvard was worth going to. I could find decent beers there. After a two-day conference, I was exhausted, but I still decided to go to the bar and tried to get some beers. I went to the bar and found a seat in the middle to sit. I got some beers and some snacks. I really can’t recall what food I ordered. But, those beers were really good. When I saw the coaster, I found that it could be a good present. I asked the staff at the bar to see whether they could give me some coasters. They were really nice and I got two. When I met the professor, we talked about what happened at the conference. And, when the talk was near the end, I showed him the coasters from the bar. He was so surprised and said “oh, you went there.” Yes, I did go there. He accepted the coasters and put them on a white board. I can see him smile and he’s really happy. Collecting something while traveling could be fun and it’s interesting to share with friends. Nonetheless, most of the time, memories are the best.

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