
Booking confirmation

Last month, I booked a hotel online and a staff member of the hotel was calling to confirm. The staff was really nice and she said that they will call again to check when I will arrive at the hotel.

However, things are not exactly the same sometimes. I visited a coastal city in Croatia a few years ago. I booked a hotel that was affordable for me. It took me a while to get to the hotel because the entrance wasn’t very easy to find. I stayed there for two days. Overall, it wasn’t bad to stay there. The staff was nice and it was quiet because there weren’t too many tourists during those two days. The only problem was that wifi wasn’t available and the staff apologized that they were trying to solve the problem.

I did enjoy those two days at the coast and recharged. Nonetheless, after two or three days, I got a call. On the phone, someone was asking whether I would come and if so, when I would arrive. The sound was familiar and then, I realized that the call was from Croatia. It was that staff from the hotel where I stayed a few days ago. I told her that hey, I went a few days ago, haha. She was saying sorry, and she also wished me a great day.

Booking confirmation can be sent via email, message, or even as a notification on a mobile application. There are really a lot of ways to receive booking confirmation and it’s not necessary to call a guest to confirm booking. However, if a hotel staff gives me a call to confirm booking politely and provide information about the hotel, I know that it’s probably a good decision to choose this hotel. With this confirmation, I can be sure that the booking is successful and expect to check in smoothly. 

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