
Traveling while young

After checking into a hostel in Amsterdam, I entered the room and said hello to some “roommates”. We quickly introduced ourselves and talked a bit. They told me that they were high school students and on summer holidays. Later that day, I also talked to some other people who stayed in the same hostel and many of them were also high school students. Well, when I was in high school, I was really doing nothing. And, when I talked to those people I met in the hostel, I realized that it’s common for them to travel in the summer with friends or classmates. Normally, they go to a country nearby. For me, I was so jealous because I didn’t know much about traveling when I was in high school. The more I travel, the more I think that traveling while young is a good idea. Firstly, so many museums and art centers offer special discounts to students or people under 26. Visiting museums is a great way of learning. There are so many things to explore in a museum. It’s always good to learn new things at a young age. In addition, traveling young can help people be more independent. While traveling, you have to learn to make decisions on your own. You can gain skills that your parents or teachers can’t teach you at home or in class. Moreover, I saw those friends in the hostel learn how to cooperate. They discussed their trips and identified where to visit during a trip. Furthermore, they have to convince other friends if a place is worth visiting and you can also learn how to be a good team member. There are still many reasons to travel while young. I didn’t travel as those roommates did while I was in high school. However, I learn from those roommates in the hostel and understand that it’s good to start early and start young.

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