
Travel books

Nowadays, it’s very easy to search for information about traveling online. Additionally, people can download the information online or take screenshots by phone. However, travel books could still be useful.
When I was traveling alone for the first time, the iPhone wasn’t popular and I relied on travel books providing some ideas or insights about traveling. For me, some books are quite useful and I learn a lot from those books. For example, I learn how to pack easily and how to avoid problems while traveling. Moreover, I can find information about good restaurants, museums, transportation and so on. In addition, Wi-Fi is not available everywhere and internet data doesn’t always work. When I was traveling in Spain, a friend had a travel book with her and she found some good restaurants mentioned in the book. We went to one or two restaurants and tasted very decent food. Furthermore, a friend was going to Japan for a family trip. I bought a travel book for her. There are several useful tips in the book such as driving in Japan, simple Japanese sentences and tourist attractions.    We can easily access information online and we can read thousands of articles about traveling. It might not be necessary to have a travel book while traveling. However, travel books can still be useful and I do learn a lot from travel books. Some tips from travel books are still working nowadays. In addition, I learn how to enjoy traveling from some travel writers and understand how to plan a trip on my own. Moreover, I remember that I was reading a travel book while I was on a flight to Amsterdam. I was thinking if the trip was as amazing as the writer indicated in the book. Meanwhile, I was also nervous because I didn’t really know what would happen during a trip.

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