
First day of a trip

Ready to travel? It’s always exciting to begin a new journey. On the first day of a trip, there are always many things to do and we always expect something fun. For me, the first day of a trip always begins with “check”. I always check twice before heading to the airport. Sometimes, a flight departs at 6:30 a.m. and I wake up at 3 to get everything ready. Well, I sometimes couldn’t sleep because I was afraid of missing the flight. Thus, for me, taking an early flight is usually not ideal, but sometimes, there’s no other choice. On a trip, we normally spent some time on transportation. Take a metro to the airport, take a flight to another country, and take a bus or a metro to a hotel or an Airbnb. After checking in, the journey really begins. Most of the time, I arrive at the hotel or Airbnb before dinnertime for some reason. Firstly, I have enough time to think about possible options for dinner. Secondly, going to a hotel or an Airbnb in the daytime for me is a safer choice. Thirdly, in some cities, stores close at 6 p.m. Arriving before dinnertime usually gives me enough time to go to a local store, so I can get some food or drinks for snacks or breakfast. Normally, I prefer to have enough sleep on the first night, so I will have energy for the rest of the trip. In particular, sleeping well on the first night is the best way to fight against jet lag. However, sometimes, things aren’t always the same. I used to visit a friend in Croatia and on the first night, there was an important football match. We went to a bar to get some beers and fries, and of course, watch the match. After the match, we went to the other bar for some shots of liquor. That night was a bit crazy, but it was still a good one.

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