
First destination after being vaccinated?


Many of my friends already got vaccinated. Some of them are fully vaccinated and some got the first dose. Vaccination has become a key topic for us and in the future, travelers may have to show covid vaccination report before traveling.

It’s summertime and we are talking about good places to go for holidays. And, we all agree that being vaccinated is important because we would like to travel safely. And, for me, there are several options to visit after being fully vaccinated.

Firstly, I would like to get the unfinished business done. My friends and I were planning to go to the mountains in May. Unfortunately, the outbreak of covid-19 forced us to cancel the trip. However, we already chatted several times and we would like to go to the mountains once we are ready.

In addition, I heard a lot of good news from my friends around. Several of them each have a baby, but I can only say congratulations to them via text message. It will be much better to visit them and I hope to see those babies soon.

Vaccine distribution has not been really fair and many people have to wait patiently. But, being vaccinated is the best solution so far. And, it’s better to get vaccinated before traveling. Well, I’m waiting and some friends are waiting as well. However, we can still do several things during this period. I called a friend from India and he told me some good cities to visit if I plan to go to India again. Moreover, I went to Japan last year and I would like to visit again. Hopefully, I can go to watch a baseball game next time. Even though I don’t know when I will travel again, I still spend some time doing some searches and explore the next destination. Traveling might not be exactly the same as it was, but it will still bring joy and fun.

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