
Bad habits

No one is perfect. People have shortcomings and bad habits. While traveling, I do have some bad habits. One very bad habit is that I always need a laptop with me while traveling. I have been traveling with my laptop for quite a while. For me, I prefer to check emails every day and I really don’t like to see a lot of unread emails. The good thing is that I won’t miss information. However, sometimes, I still use my laptop when I am talking with friends in a hotel or an Airbnb. Sometimes, my friends told me to stop using my laptop. Additionally, laptops are getting thinner and lighter, but the thinnest laptop is still around 2 pounds. I need a space in my luggage and every time I pass through the security check at an airport, I have to take it out. For me, it’s really annoying, but it’s my decision to take a laptop with me. Also, I’m addicted to mobile phones sometimes. Sometimes, I just want to share photos on social media and I didn’t realize that I was having lunch or dinner with my friends. I was supposed to enjoy tasting a good meal, but I was uploading some photos and trying to publish a post. But, I’m trying to use my cell phone less frequently during a trip. So I can truly focus on a trip. Well, traveling is fun and we should enjoy traveling. I should not worry too much about missing information and let emails disturb a trip. A friend told me that she would leave her phone at the hotel when traveling, so she won’t be bothered during a trip. Well, I might not do exactly the same. But, I can try to limit my time of using a laptop or my phone while traveling. It’s more important to truly relax and enjoy.

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