
Thank you

After visiting more than 20 countries around the world, I realized a very important thing, which is that I’m lucky. Many people helped me while traveling. And, I don’t even know their names. When I went to Amsterdam, I was trying to go to the hostel from the Central station. Well, the route wasn’t that complicated, but I just couldn’t find where the hostel was. I just walked around and tried to see if there was a banner. I couldn’t find anything. So, I decided to ask someone. I saw a guy with sunglasses and asked him if he could help. He answered, “sure, ask me.” I told him that I was lost on the road to the hostel and he checked the address. He’s from Amsterdam, but he didn’t know about that hostel. However, he told me that I was very close and I should be able to see the hostel by walking straight for one or two blocks. I followed his suggestion and walked straight. I did over-walk a bit, but I finally arrived at the hostel. That guy with sunglasses did help me. Additionally, a football coach helped me a lot on my first trip in France. I was in the Gare du Nord and was trying to identify how to go to the hostel. I asked a station staff and she printed an instruction, which indicated all the necessary information such as metro station and time. I was waiting for the train with the instruction and a guy looked at me. He probably knew that I needed some help and he told me to follow him. The train passed by several stations and on the train, he opened a book, which is about tactics in football. He told me that he’s a football coach and he taught kids to play football. He checked the instructions again and told me to get off at the next station. I got off the train and he got off as well. He asked me to follow him. We walked a few minutes and he said that we were in a big station. Then, he stopped. He told me that I should go to take a metro in this station and he showed me the direction to take the metro. Thankfully, I took the metro and arrived at the hostel. I wasn’t fully prepared for a trip and asked many people on the road. However, I’m truly glad that many great people were helping me. I don’t know their names. But, I truly appreciate their help and would like to say “Thank you.”

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