
Small is good


A couple of days ago, I was cleaning the house and found an old photo album. That album helps me recall some memories of visiting some small towns. Well, I used to visit big cities and I also went to some small towns that are very interesting.

Firstly, I remember that some scenes are only available in the small towns. When I went to Japan with some friends, we decided to go to a small town nearby Tokyo. We took a train to that town. The town was quiet, however, walking on the street, we somehow felt that we were in a different period. We saw people wearing wafuku (traditional Japanese clothing) and with those old buildings on the street, I was thinking whether someone just clicked the pause button, so things haven’t changed much here. That scene and that atmosphere are extremely hard to experience in a modern big city.

In addition, I went to a small town near Valencia to visit a friend a few years ago. He’s a good buddy of mine and it was quite interesting to go to his hometown. Previously, I thought of going to his hometown alone, but thankfully, I didn’t do that. It was so fun to be with him in his hometown. He grew up there and when we walked on the street, so many people said hello to him. Some are his friends and some are his parents’ friends. Moreover, when we went to a bar to get some beers, the staff offered us “jamon (dry-cured ham).” I was so surprised because it was so tasty.

There are many options to travel. Some people like to go to big cities and love the dynamics of modern cities. However, going to a small town isn’t a bad choice. The atmosphere is quite different from the big cities and it’s usually less crowded in a small town. But, it’s important to do some homework in advance, in particular, there are normally less transportation options. A friend used to miss the last train while visiting a small town.

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