


While traveling, I usually either go to a bar to drink beer or go to a supermarket or local stores to grab some local beers or wines. However, I don’t drink crazily. Tasting beers is fun, but overdrinking is a really bad idea. I saw some stupid things happen when a person is drunk.

  Five or six years ago, I visited a friend in Croatia. We took a tram in Zagreb, going somewhere that I couldn’t exactly recall. Anyway, on the tram, I was chatting with my buddy and a guy came to us. He was asking us where we were going. My friend just answered “somewhere on this street”. The guy pointed out that there was a bar on the street with cheap drugs and cheap boobs. Oh, by the way, the guy was with his beer on hand and he surely looked drunk. He kept telling us to go to that bar to have some fun. I tried to ignore him and the other guy on the tram behind us was shaking his head and said no way while laughing at the same time. Well, a few stops later, my friends and I got off the tram. The other guy that was behind us also got off. He told us that he was a college student and that drunk guy took the tram quite often and most of the time, that drunken guy was drunk. Well, we couldn’t stop laughing because my friends and I just could not believe what just happened.  In addition, this is a story from a friend who was in Australia. He was going out with friends for the New Year’s countdown and they were waiting for fireworks at Sydney Harbor. After waiting for a few hours, he did watch fantastic fireworks and later, he was ready to go home. Suddenly, he saw a drunk guy stagger on the street. That drunken guy didn’t look good and he was looking for a trash can, he did it and he threw up. It wasn’t the end of the story, the drunken man was still staggering and accidentally, he tipped over the trash can. Well, getting some beers or tasting a good bottle of wine is always a good thing to do in our life. However, if a person drinks too much, that normally will cause some troubles. When I travel, I sometimes enjoy alcohol and I know I have to drink responsibly.

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