


Cheers! Salud! Drinking beer or tasting wine is common when I travel. Sometimes, I go to a bar with friends. Sometimes, we buy some beers and drink at the hotel. Beers and wines could help us create some interesting memories on a trip.

I visited a friend in Belgium a few years ago. We walked around Brussels and he showed me the city and told me some stories of the city. After walking a while, we decided to get some beers. He had a great idea and we went to a bar with thousands of beers. Yes, if my memory works correctly, we went to a bar, where we could find thousands of beers around the world. When I read the menu, it was quite hard to make a decision. I decided to let my friend decide. And he ordered two cups of local beer. He indeed made a great decision. I really like those beers and yes, you can taste beers in great quality in Belgium easily. In addition, a friend is an expert of wine. He really likes wine and when I first came to a restaurant with him, he tasted two or three wines. He truly showed me his expertise in wine. One day, he arranged a tour to a famous winery. The tour was indeed a great one and we did taste red wines and white wines. And I found one of my favorite wines. Recently, I checked online, the tour of the winery is still one of the top-ranked tours of the world. I’m not an expert in beers or wines. However, I understand a little bit about wines and beers. And that little knowledge helps me explore some high-quality local beers or wines while traveling. Mostly, I taste some. Sometimes, I drink a little bit more. But, I know it’s important to drink responsibly.

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