
Changes, changes, changes


The only constant in life is change. We face changes everyday. We shouldn’t be surprised to see changes in our life. When we travel, it’s highly possible to make some changes.

Last year, I talked to a friend about planning to go to his wedding. He told me that some airlines provided special offers, which indicated flight tickets were cheaper and changeable. I checked those promotional offers, which were really good. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic, his wedding was postponed. Before the pandemic, traveling internationally was common and it was very often to hear that some friends buy cheap flight tickets. But, cheap flight tickets are not always the best since most of those tickets are unchangeable. Every time, I always think twice before booking flight tickets. Should I just buy the cheapest option? Maybe it’s better to pay more for a flexible option? A flexible choice sometimes works. For example, my itinerary to Japan was changed once last year because of some schedule conflicts. Thankfully, the flight tickets were flexible and could be changed once. So, I didn’t have to pay extra money.

Moreover, I sometimes make changes to a hotel reservation. Nowadays, there are several online booking websites for tourists to book a hotel. Additionally, there are some flexible offers that you can cancel or you don’t have to pay before arriving. Those flexible offers are good choices for me. Sometimes, I book a hotel with a flexible option. If I find a better choice, I can cancel it and book another one. If I don’t find a better choice, it’s fine because I already made a reservation.

We have seen dramatic changes in traveling these two years. Before the covid-19 pandemic, traveling was common and lots of my friends had travel plans. Now, things have changed and we don’t see many people travel internationally. Recently, several cities offer a shot of covid-19 vaccine to tourists. Some of my friends are thinking of this and they might change their summer plans.

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