
Someone’s house


While traveling, we usually see some cool buildings. Some buildings are for business. Some amazing buildings are someone’s houses. Each building has its story and sometimes I like to visit someone’s house to explore.

When I was a student, going to a music class was one of the scariest things. I was bad at singing and didn’t play any instruments well. I always hoped the time could pass fast in the music class. Well, that was a bad idea because time moves the same for everyone. However, I still remember something that teachers told some stories about some world-renowned musicians. When I was traveling in Vienna with a friend, we accidentally passed a house and it indicated that Mozart used to live there. That’s actually a Mozart museum and you can explore his life and his music. 

In addition, I visited a friend in Normandy a few years ago. One day, she told me that we would go to Etretat, a very beautiful town. Etretat is indeed beautiful with its chalk cliffs. However, when my friend told me that there’s a house, in which the author of Arsene Lupin used to live. I was so surprised and told her, “let’s go there.” Growing up, I really liked to read the stories of Arsene Lupin and I borrowed several books from the library. My friend didn’t know much about Arsene Lupin and I was like a tour guide to tell my friend how cool Arsene Lupin is. Well, my friend bought a book to know more about Lupin’s adventure after that visit.

Mostly, houses of these famous authors or musicians turn out to be museums and tourists or fans can gain some insights of their life while visiting these museums. For me, I just know a little about music, but I can learn something from visiting Mozart’s house. Moreover, when I went to Maurice Leblanc’s house in Normandy, all my memories about reading Arsene Lupin became so vivid. Next time, I will still try to enter some houses to explore.

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