


We are all humans and we made mistakes. During a trip, we might make some mistakes, but we can also learn from these mistakes.

A cold winter in Boston, I was staying in a guest house and waiting for an uber to take me to a convention center. I had to go to an important conference and I didn’t want to be late. The car arrived and I got the notification. I ran out and tried to get in the car as soon as I could. But, I fell. Yes, I was falling in the snow. Well, fortunately, I wasn’t hurt but just mild pain. I can still go to the conference without too many problems.

Secondly, we know that some people would ask for money on a train or near some world famous monuments. The best way to avoid any problems is to ignore them. But, one time, I was on a train and a guy put a note on the chair, which indicated that he needed money. I wasn’t thinking too much, but put that note in the trash can. He was angry and stared at me. Fortunately, nothing more happened.

These are some mistakes that I made during a trip. However, these mistakes are actually avoidable. If I book a trip on uber earlier, I won’t have to run and be in a rush. Time management. Additionally, I didn’t have to react to the beggar. Just ignore him and I didn’t even remember that. Fortunately, these mistakes didn’t cause too many troubles and do help me learn a lot. Well, I can also share my stories, so my friends will not make the same mistakes as I did. Traveling is fun, but there is something to keep in mind and we can avoid making some mistakes. Moreover, we can remind our travel partners during a trip as well.

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