
Preparation before traveling

Deutsches Apotheken Museum

A few days ago, I was chatting with a friend in the USA and he told me that he would get vaccinated in April. Well, the covid-19 pandemic already changed our life and we will probably have to get vaccinated before traveling. The document of vaccination may be required as a passport.

It’s not a surprise to get vaccinated before traveling. I haven’t been to Africa, however, I know that it’s required to get vaccinated to avoid yellow fever before traveling to some countries. It was approximately 6 or 7 years ago, a friend came back from Africa and he got malaria. He didn’t pay much attention and forgot to take medicine as doctors suggested. Fortunately, he was fully recovered after a few days, but that was a huge lesson. Every time I talked to him on the phone or in person, I usually laughed at him about this mistake. But, thankfully, his mistake taught us a lot.

For me, medicines are always in my travel checklist. I always prepare some drugs just in case I get cold or maybe face some stomach issues. It’s always a wise idea to pack some medicines in the luggage because you might really have no ideas whether you would be sick during a trip. I remember that a friend got a fever when traveling to Australia and he didn’t have any medicines with him. That journey was basically a disaster for him.

I guess we still have to wait patiently to be vaccinated. And, we will surely have to prepare the document to prove that we’ve been vaccinated before traveling. Well, being vaccinated and issuing the document will increase our cost of traveling. However, it’s necessary because we all want to travel safely and healthy. Traveling will not be exactly the same as it was, but it’s the new normal. At this moment, we have to wait and be patient.

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