


Having a picnic is fun and interesting to do. It’s a good way to have some good food and enjoy sunshine outside. Furthermore, there are actually many things to do when going picnicking.

I was traveling in France and it was Friday, some friends invited me to have a picnic in a park and there would be a movie to watch. That was quite new to me at that time. I didn’t go picnicking in Europe before and I didn’t know it’s even possible to do it in the evening. I met a friend first and then we went to a supermarket to get some snacks and food, and of course, a bottle of wine. When we arrived at the park, there were really a lot of people. We spent a little bit of time and met our friends. Other friends also prepared food and there were many choices. My friend grabbed baguette, ham and cheese and taught me how to make a French sandwich. I did make my French sandwich. It was really fun that night, but there was no movie due to the weather.

Later on, picnicking becomes one of my favorite things to do. I went to the beaches in Spain and had picnics with friends several times. Normally, we prepared fruits and some sandwiches with “jamon”, which is ham. Picnic by the sea is truly an amazing thing to do. You can enjoy sunshine and a great sea view.

Recently, there have been many choices for picnicking. Some people even have a picnic during the lunchtime, so they can enjoy sunshine and eat something to be energized for work in the afternoon. There are many ways to enjoy traveling, sometimes, it’s good to slow down. Everyone can create a great picnic experience with friends or family. Well, I’m thinking of making some sandwiches for the next picnic now.

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