


Tickets are very common in our life. We might have bus tickets, metro tickets or train tickets in daily life. When I travel, I like to keep some tickets to keep good memories.

Keeping flight tickets or boarding passes is one of my favorite things. Boarding passes make me know where I have been and what airlines I took. And, boarding passes are usually small and they are very easy to keep. I don’t even need a big box. Every time I see those boarding passes, I always think of those journeys.

In addition, there are some other tickets worth collecting. I love to have some museum tickets and game tickets. Going to museums is one of my favorite things to do during a trip. I like to understand history, art, architecture and so on. And, I can really learn a lot while visiting museums. Keeping those tickets helps me remember some amazing paintings or artworks. Meanwhile, game tickets are indeed necessary. I like to watch sports games or matches. If lucky, I can watch some games during a trip and I always keep those tickets and share them with some friends. However, more and more tickets can be printed online or stored in a mobile phone. I sometimes do that, but I still really like “real tickets”.

For some friends, they don’t like to keep tickets because those tickets are no longer usable. They are right, but for me, tickets are something that can help recall good memories. Tickets can be kept easily because they are usually small, but, because tickets are usually small, I sometimes lost them somewhere and I couldn’t find them again.

There are many things worth collecting when traveling. Collecting tickets is just an option. Everyone can choose what he or she likes and collect what he or she wants. Some people don’t like to collect, but just have those good memories in mind. It’s an option, but it’s always good to remember something fun or interesting during a trip.

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