


Nowadays, it’s very easy to share your stories of traveling. You can upload your photos on social media. You can send photos to friends or relatives via mobile phone. However, I still love to write postcards and send them to friends and family.

It was probably 15 years ago, I met a friend online and we became keypals. Since then, we have frequently written to each other. One day, she came out with a brilliant idea, which is to send postcards. As I remember, I was truly excited when I received the first postcard. Later on, we sent postcards to each other when we visited different cities or traveled to different countries.

Postcards have become very important for me while traveling. Every time when I visit a different city, I often try to find some postcards, so I can write to my friends and family. However, writing postcards is not always easy. When I visited London a few years ago, I didn’t have too much free time. I was thinking of sending some postcards to friends and family when I was waiting for the return flight. I found some postcards at the airport and tried to write as soon as possible. It probably took only a few minutes for me to write 20 postcards. I put stamps and dropped them into the mailbox, and then I ran to the gate. Whoa, I almost missed the flight.

Hence, it’s a routine for me to send postcards when traveling. Some friends don’t really understand why I always tried to find postcards and send them, but I really like to share the joy of traveling with friends and family. Meanwhile, it’s always warm to receive postcards. For me, I’m always grateful when seeing a postcard from another side of the world.

I was thinking of sending postcards to some friends this year, nonetheless, due to the covid-19 pandemic, it’s impossible to send mails to some countries. That’s truly a disappointment and I really don’t know when the postal service will return to normal. I’m looking forward to traveling soon and writing more postcards.

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