


Sending postcards is an important thing for me when traveling. It’s necessary to attach stamps on postcards. The more postcards I send, the more stamps I see. I gradually understand why some people love to collect stamps.

I used to collect some stamps when I was a kid, however, it didn’t really become my hobby. I used to work in an organization, which is close to a postal museum. Additionally, nearby the office, there are several stamp stores. One day, I was walking with my boss and he told me that he collects stamps. At that time, I didn’t understand why people collect stamps.

As I travel more and visit more countries, I write more postcards and attach more stamps on postcards, I find that stamps are quite interesting. Some stamps tell you what the major events are in this country such as the Olympic games. Some stamps show the arts or architectures of a country. You can actually find many interesting stories from stamps. I also saw stamps in a museum and I bought the stamps for my boss and he was truly satisfied that I remember his hobby.

I like sports. When I found some stamps related to sports, I was usually excited. I took a boat trip to Sweden and I was trying to send postcards to my friends and family. I asked the post office staff and I found Zlatan Ibrahimovic stamps. The staff told me that Zlatan, a football player. Well, of course, I know Zlatan. I’m a football fan and I watch Zlatan. People know Zlatan. The world knows Zlatan. I was pretty excited and attached Zlatan stamps on postcards.

I hope my friends like the postcards I sent, in the meantime, I hope they would like those stamps. Collecting stamps is still not my hobby, but I like to choose some interesting stamps to attach on postcards.

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