

Wearing a mask helps us protect against coronavirus and stay healthy. Before the covid-19 pandemic is totally under control, wearing a mask is still the best way to protect us. When traveling, there are many ways to protect us.

The most common protection is probably sunscreen that helps us protect sunburn. It was five or six years ago, I was in sunny Florida and watched some baseball games. Before the trip, I didn’t have any sunscreens in the luggage. After one day, my face was really tanned. I was thinking that it was fine to be tanned. However, things became horrible the next day. I still didn’t go buy sunscreens with me and my face was sunburned. It wasn’t mild. When I smiled, I felt the pain on my face. When my friends saw me, they couldn’t believe it. It took several days to get rid of pain. Since then, I deeply know how important sunscreens are.

Going to a friend’s wedding is usually fun because it’s a joyful place and we can feel happiness from our friends. I did enjoy going to a friend’s wedding on an island in Brazil, but there was one thing, which annoyed me. So many mosquitos on the island, I got many mosquito bites. My legs were so itchy and looked really bad. I didn’t know what to do until a friend found mosquito sprays. Later in the trip, we used mosquito sprays a lot every day. When I chatted with another friend from Brazil, he couldn’t believe that I didn’t even know that island was known for many mosquitoes.

Recently, wearing a mask has become necessary to protect us. When traveling, it’s better to carefully wear a mask on a flight, on a train and on a bus. Meanwhile, there are still many things to protect us during a trip. After that trip in Florida, I deeply remember to put on sunscreens before going out. Also, I learn to do some homework before traveling to know if I have to prepare medicine or repellents. Additionally, an umbrella or a raincoat helps us protect from being wet. These are just something to protect us when traveling. The more we prepare, the less troubles we will have.

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