
Alone or All together

Traveling alone is fun and traveling with friends is also interesting. I usually travel alone, but sometimes friends invite me to join them and visit some cities. Additionally, group travel wasn’t a bad idea.

In the beginning, we probably began to travel with our family. Parents took us to another city or another country. When we grow up and have some opportunities to travel, we probably travel with our classmates or schoolmates. The more we travel, the more experience we have. Later, we may learn how to organize a trip and begin to travel alone or with some close friends.

Group travel is usually easy because I don’t have to think about the plan. The travel agency will handle everything and I just need to follow the itinerary. However, I used to be in big trouble with a friend. We were in China with a group of friends. A friend and I were searching for some playing cards and tried to find something cheap. We were asking several vendors and couldn’t find what we wanted. It really took a while and then, we realized that we were late and we were supposed to be on the bus. We were super nervous and started running. And, we didn’t recall the right direction and we had to turn back. When we got on the bus, all our friends were yelling at us. Oh, we were so embarrassed and apologized to all friends.

That was a big lesson for me. Later on, I always remember that I have to be punctual and always try to arrive earlier. Additionally, I prefer to travel alone because I can just manage my time. I don’t have to wait or I don’t let other friends wait.

Although I really like to travel alone, there are still many good things to travel with friends or family. Firstly, it’s usually safer because you and your friend can take care of each other. Secondly, you can share. You can share ideas on places to visit. You can share food. You can share a taxi. When you travel with friends, you might have more affordable choices. Thirdly, you might just enjoy the trip and don’t have to think too much. If you have a great friend who can manage everything, you won’t have to think about anything, just show up and follow him or her.

There are really many choices to travel. Traveling with friends can be fun and traveling alone is also a cool thing to do. Just understand your preferences and make a good decision.

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