

Sleep is necessary in our life. It helps us recover from tiredness and be more energetic and productive. During a trip, we probably are going to sleep very much. However, going to sleep well can always let us be very energetic, so we can have lots of fun while traveling.

I like to sleep because enough sleep is always good for my health. However, sleeping too much might not be ideal during a trip since we really need to spend time visiting and going to have fun. For me, sleeping on a flight is an ideal choice. We usually don’t have too much to do on a flight and some low-cost airlines don’t offer many entertainment options, so for me, sleeping is probably the best way to do on a flight. Most of the time, I can sleep easily on a flight. I usually sleep before a flight takes off and I can take a 1-2 hour nap, hence, when I get off, I feel more energetic. There was one time, I was chatting with a friend on a flight, and just a few minutes later, I fell asleep. When traveling, we might stay at a hotel, a hostel, a friend’s house or an Airbnb overnight. Well, sometimes I stay on a bus or a train overnight. There is usually not a big problem for me to sleep on a bed at a hotel. Sometimes, it might be too noisy in a hostel because there are often many people and you really don’t know when your roommates are going back. Thus, it might not be easy to have a high-quality sleep at a hostel, but for me, it was fine. Well, the quality of sleep during a trip might be decided when we decide to stay at hotel A or hotel B. So, it’s important to take some time to figure out which hotel is better. Meanwhile, the biggest problem is probably jet lag. I really don’t have any good ideas to fight against jet lag, but all I do is stay awake in the morning of the first day no matter how tired I am.

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