
Learn from traveling

Traveling is fun. At the beginning, I just wanted to explore the world and see something interesting. Simply put, to have fun. However, the more I travel, the more I learn. Firstly, I improve my communication skills. I was thinking that speaking English could work almost everywhere. However, it’s not like this. The more I travel, the more I realize that it’s better to learn more languages. But, it’s impossible to learn all languages. I know some friends who can speak more than 5 languages, but there are still many languages that they can’t speak. When traveling, we more or less would need some help. Some local people can't speak English, so it’s important to try to use body languages to let them know what you need and most of the time, they do truly help me a lot. In addition, I like baseball. Nonetheless, when I was traveling in Europe, there were not so many people who knew baseball or played baseball. Meanwhile, most of them like football (soccer) or at least they watch football matches occasionally. For me, I can understand how football changes their lives, also I can let them know what baseball is and how to play baseball. It’s always a good way to talk or chat about your hobby and other people’s hobbies to begin a conversation. While chatting more, I can learn something new and sometimes, they can share something cool. For example, a friend showed me a photo, which was taken in a stadium.  There are so many things to talk about traveling and I learn so many things, which cannot be found in textbooks. In the meantime, you can truly embrace a new culture or enjoy a new culture when you are in a different environment. I experienced many different cultures and learned how to respect a person who grew up in different cultures. Additionally, knowing a different culture always gives me a new idea in life or at work. Traveling not just broadens my horizons, but also helps learn something new.

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