
Go by Train

Taking a train is normal in our life. Some people take a train to work. Some people take a train to a new city. Before many low-cost airlines became popular, taking a train was a good choice for many people to travel. Even now, taking a train is still very common for travelers.

I remember that I was taking a train in China, heading to Beijing. I was traveling with a group of friends. It took us more than 8 hours to Beijing and we had to sleep on the train. It was my first time taking an overnight train and was quite interesting to see beds on the train. However, we didn’t have private rooms or suites. The worst thing is that people could walk and get our bags anytime. The group leader was experienced and decided that some of us had to be awake during the trip. We were divided into several groups and each group had at least 2 people. I slept for a few hours that night and woke up at 2am. It was interesting to be awake on a night train because it was so quiet. Looking outside, it was truly nothing to see since it was too dark outside. A friend and I were reading a bit and talking occasionally, so we wouldn’t be bored.   12 years ago, it was my first time to take a train from Paris to Milan. I decided to take an overnight train, so I would save hotel money and the next day I would wake up in a different country. I traveled alone and didn’t know anyone on the train. It was a private room and there were 6 people in a room. Staff on the train asked for our passports, so we won’t be bothered at midnight when the train crossed the border. I was nervous, but happy because I was truly exploring something new. One guy in the same room asked where I came from and where my next destination was. Of course, he also asked why I wanted to travel in France. I did sleep well that night and the next morning, I was in Milan. I have traveled by train several times and visited different countries. For me, it wasn’t that difficult to sleep on a night train. Sometimes, I also meet new friends on a train and we chat a little bit. I still remember that I took TGV and it was fast and comfortable. Taking a train is never a bad option during a trip and the good things are that train stations are usually in city centers and we can save hotel money on overnight trains.
Beijing, China

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