
It’s so hot

I saw some posts on Instagram. A friend just arrived in Thailand and he indicated that it was so hot.


Well he likes to travel in the fall or winter because he doesn’t sweat a lot in those 2 seasons.


A sunny day is good while traveling. However, if it’s too hot, it might be dangerous. One year, I was in Barcelona and it was one of the hottest summers. A friend and I went out to grab some food for lunch. After lunch, I bought some ice cream in a local store and headed back to the apartment.


In the afternoon, we just stayed in the apartment and didn’t go out. It was just too hot and we really needed a “siesta”.


A few years ago, a friend asked me if I could provide some advice to arrange a trip in Spain because she worked in a travel agency and she had to plan a trip in Spain. I told her what I know and what might be worth visiting. Nonetheless, before the trip, I texted her to monitor the weather forecast. It might be really hot during her stay in Spain.


After she came back, I asked about her experience in Spain. She indicated that the weather was too hot. When she was in Southern Spain, she chose to spend more time on a bus because she didn’t want to go out.


Well, people like sunny days. Nevertheless, if it’s too hot, there will be some problems. You might get burned and you might be dehydrated. Hence, watching the weather forecast is quite important while traveling. If the weather is too hot, you have to know how to cope with hot weather and keep cool. Sometimes, you might have to change your plan to avoid staying outside for quite a long time.

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