
A friend’s birthday

Today is a college friend’s birthday. I sent him a message to wish him a great birthday. I haven’t met him for a while, but we still keep in touch.

After sending him a message, I thought about my birthday. I used to travel on my birthday. Moreover, I saw several friends decide to travel on their birthdays, so they can celebrate their birthdays in another country.

A few years ago, I was traveling in Brazil for a friend’s wedding. I stayed there for around a week and back then, I was thinking whether it would be ideal to stay longer. If I had stayed there for a few more days, I would have been able to celebrate my birthday in Latin America.

However, a month later after the trip, I was chatting with a friend about the trip and that friend asked me whether I came back so early. I told her that I actually regretted that I didn’t stay there for a few more days. For me, it would be really fun to celebrate my birthday in Latin America. But now, I can only wait and see if there are other opportunities to travel in Latin America.

A few days ago, I saw another friend post a photo on his Instagram account. His birthday is in September and he will travel to Japan to celebrate his birthday. He planned to travel to Tokyo to celebrate his birthday last year, nonetheless, there was other work and eventually, he couldn’t make the trip. He really likes Japan and has visited Japan so many times. I believe that he would be able to celebrate his birthday in Japan this time and hopefully, he wouldn’t have to cancel the trip due to work. It’s certain that I’m looking forward to seeing him post something interesting on Instagram then. 

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