
Doing math

I was listening to a podcast show about financial planning and in the show, a podcaster talked about math. He indicated that you don’t need to understand complicated math. However, you need to know how to do the math and it will surely help you a lot.

I completely agree with his opinions. And, actually, you might need to do some math while traveling.

It has been quite a while since I last traveled to “a city” in Italy with my friends. However, I still remember that one afternoon, my friends and I were searching for a place to get lunch. We really didn’t know which restaurant was the best choice. So, we just quickly checked the menu outside of the restaurants and entered a restaurant that looked reasonable for our budget.

Well, the food wasn’t really fancy and the staffers didn’t look so happy to serve us. Anyway, we just got lunch, so we wouldn’t be hungry. We finished lunch and asked for the bill. When we saw the bill, a friend indicated that there was something wrong. That wasn’t our bill and the amount of money wasn’t correct. We told a staffer and he just seemed to be reluctant.

Eventually, we paid the right amount of money that we had to pay. However, the experience just wasn’t good. I guess we were just unlucky and travelers won’t face the same problem in other restaurants in that city. It shouldn’t be common to see this problem in other cities or other countries. Nonetheless, after that trip, I always check the bill and do some math before paying. It might take extra time, but it can help you avoid some problems. In particular, a couple of months ago, a friend told me that he didn’t check the bill in a restaurant before paying and he actually paid for something he didn’t order. 

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