
Chips again

I passed by a local supermarket a couple days ago. On the shelf, there are several new flavors of snacks. In particular, I checked if there were some new flavors of chips.

There are several new flavors of chips available. Mostly, those chips are exotic. It’s quite interesting to see some snacks from other countries. Additionally, it’s fun to taste something in different flavors, in particular, flavors from another country.

I didn’t try some of those chips. Well, it’s really hard to tell whether those flavors are really similar to the original food. But, anyway, it’s just for fun.

I only passed by Thailand because of flight transfers. Nonetheless, I saw an international brand that sells chips with Tom Yum Goong flavor. Tom yum goong is a type of hot and sour Thai soup. I did try some hot and sour Thai soups previously. However, I don’t know if I can tell if those soups are called Tom yum goong soups. I really can’t guarantee the authenticity because I never visited Thailand. But, I like Tom yum goong flavor chips.

Nowadays, it might not be that difficult to taste exotic food in the country you live and some foods are really authentic. However, exotic flavored chips might not really be authentic. But, sometimes, it’s worth trying something new. Moreover, after seeing some exotic flavored chips and tasting some of them, I understand that there are so many cuisines around the world and that makes me think about trying something new. For example, after tasting Tom yum goong flavored chips, I began to search for some restaurants that serve Tom yum goong soups. Additionally, I also search for more information about Tom yum goong soup and learn more about it. Furthermore, a friend who lives in Thailand just texted me and indicated that I could visit him if I would like to. Well, going to get some great local soups sounds like a great idea.

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