

The more I travel, the more I know that something is not under my control. For example, the weather is not something that someone can control. Heavy snow used to force me to change my plan. I had to reschedule the flight and asked some friends to see whether someone could host me for one night. Sometimes, it rains heavily and we can’t go outside. However, a rainbow comes out after raining. In addition, earthquakes happened when I was traveling in Los Angeles. Growing up in a Southeast Asia country, earthquakes aren't something new for me. Some earthquakes did cause damage in this region. However, it was my first time to experience earthquakes while traveling. Back then, I just watched a baseball game in LA and went to a friend’s place. It was my very first night in LA and I was sleeping on an airbed. I was kinda tired, but it was probably 2 a.m., I felt something shaking and then it got louder. And, I realized that it was an earthquake. I was on the East coast for a while and hadn’t experienced earthquakes for a while. Fortunately, nothing was damaged and my friends and I were fine. The next morning, when I was eating breakfast, my friends and I talked about the earthquake. My friends hadn’t experienced earthquakes for a while, either. We might experience bad weather in our life and sometimes, it’s unavoidable. The bad weather could also happen when we travel. It’s important to do some research and understand what the weather is like in your destination. Additionally, you might need a plan b, sometimes. A friend went to Japan, unfortunately, a big earthquake happened. She didn’t have any other options but changed the plan to go back home. It wasn’t a good traveling experience, but thankfully, she’s fine.

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